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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What is this Creature?

Would anyone of my readers like to guess what creature this is?

Bristle worm

I will post the answer later..

Grapes for Diabetics and those with blood cancers

Grapes skins 'may help diabetics' whereas Grape extract kills Cancer cells

Grape skins could be a natural solution to stop complications in people with diabetes, according to new research from a South West medical school and studies. In addition, Grape extract has been shown in laboratory experiments to stimulate leukaemia cells to commit suicide , as reported by scientists from the University of Kentucky. Lead researcher Professor Xianglin Shi said: "These results could have implications for the incorporation of agents such as grapeseed extract into prevention or treatment of haematological (blood) malignancies and possibly other cancers.

Details about both these articles can be found at

Earthquakes rattle Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone Park shaken by hundreds of earthquakes
Yellowstone is situated on a giant, geologically active feature known as a supervolcano and boasts some 75 per cent of the world's geysers Photo: AP

More than 250 tremors have been recorded since Friday including nine greater than magnitude 3.0 on the Richter scale, according to the University of Utah. The largest, a magnitude 3.9, struck on Saturday and the area was shaken by a 3.3 tremor just after midday on Monday.

While earthquakes are common in the giant park, which covers parts of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana and experiences about 1,000 to 2,000 tremors a year, the intense burst of seismic activity lasting several days has been described as unusual.

"They're certainly not normal," said Robert Smith, a professor of geophysics at the University of Utah. "We haven't had earthquakes of this energy or extent in many years."

Mr Smith, director of the Yellowstone Seismic Network, which operates seismic stations around the park, said the earthquakes have ranged in strength from barely detectable to Saturday's 3.9. A magnitude 4 earthquake is capable of producing moderate damage.

"This is an active volcanic and tectonic area, and these are the kinds of things we have to pay attention to," he said. "We might be seeing something precursory.

"Could it develop into a bigger fault or something related to hydrothermal activity? We don't know. That's what we're there to do, to monitor it for public safety."

So far, all the quakes have been centred beneath the northwest end of Yellowstone Lake. No damage has been reported and a park spokeswoman said there did not appear to be cause for alarm.

Yellowstone is situated on a giant, geologically active feature known as a supervolcano and boasts some 75 per cent of the world's geysers. Much of the park sits in a caldera, or crater, which was formed when the massive volcano erupted 70,000 years ago.

Last year a report in the journal Science found the park's central region was rising up at a rate of up to 7cm a year due to the movement of a pool of magma several miles below the surface.

Mr Smith said it was difficult to say what might be causing the current tremors. He added that the park's famous geysers and hot springs were a reminder of the magma underground.

"That's just the surface manifestation of the enormous amount of heat that's being released through the system," he said.

In 1959, a magnitude 7.5 earthquake near Hebgen Lake just west of Yellowstone National Park triggered a landslide that killed 28 people

In defense of the Great White Sharks

By Lauren Wilson and Debbie Guest December 31, 2008 (posted on

Back to the story of the Great White Sharks. I came across this further article on Sharks, but the comments by readers caught my in particular, which I have posted below. This is also how I feel as well............check it out

  • Numbers of sharks are growing: experts
  • Ban on killing predators to blame
  • Australian law protecting numbers

THE number of man-eating sharks in Australian waters is growing, according to experts, who blame the surging numbers on a ban on killing the predators.

Marine biologist Adam Smith said initial research and accounts from fishermen and divers pointed to a rise in the number of sharks in Australian waters.

Dr Smith, who has created the Great Australian Shark Count to obtain firm data on numbers, said great white sharks were no longer allowed to be hunted and fishermen faced fines of about $20,000 and a possible jail sentence for breaking the law, The Australian reports.

"They were once targeted as trophy fish by game fishermen, or caught by commercial fishermen because they were a nuisance," he said. (blah, blah blah.....and on and on..........)

Full article can be read by visiting the, but the purpose of this post was to post a reaction from a Sydney reader... well here it is.....

"I am thoroughly sick to death of this "news" outlet (& the telegraph) running these BS "killer shark" stories. What is your agenda? What are you going to do? campaign for a shark cull? STOP the scare tactics! Walking Sydney's streets is more dangerous than going in the ocean, why don't you do something about that rather than picking on the poor sharks. Sharks do what sharks do and humans need to respect that rather than thinking the can go where ever they want & do whatever they please. You go in their territory, you take the risk. Humans do not own the ocean! Once again, please STOP trying to scare people."

I'll let my readers make their own opinions............