USA is considered as the land of opportunity. The country is the core market for Indian software companies and one of the hot favourite with techies.
However, during the current troubled times not all US cities are likely to be a great workplace for IT pros. Network World has come out with a list of US cities that IT pros probably should avoid. Here's Network World's list of least favorite US technology job locales.
Topping the list is Detroit. According to Network World, Detroit, the Mecca of automobile companies, can hardly be any IT professional's destination of choice right now. With auto companies and their suppliers struggling to survive bankruptcy and global recession reason is not hard to find.
Detroit was also a part of the Forbe's top 10 'Fastest Dying US Cities' list. The second city on the list is US retail giant's headquarter Bentonville. The city of Rock and Roll fame Cleveland is next on the list. The city has witnessed one of the highest foreclosure rates in the US, huge population declines and dying industries of yesteryear, according to the article. Like Detroit, Cleveland too was a part of the Forbes top 10 'Fastest Dying US Cities' listing.
Next on the `worst' US city for IT pros list is Syracuse. The city holds the title for the US city with the highest average annual snowfall (115 inches), more than Anchorage, Alaska (114 inches). The city reportedly also has a bit of a problem with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) due to heavy snow and little sunshine. Here's the city whose entry in the list is sure to raise eyebrows. According to Network World, "These havens for IT geeks and tech companies both offer insanely high real estate prices, suicide-inducing traffic and too many cocky and annoying IT people fighting over precious jobs."
San Francisco also claims the No. 1 spot for worst cities for identify theft, or `iJacking.' And Boston is said to be too full of itself. Anchorage is the next city on the list. The city receives second-highest snowfall in the US.
Orlando is surely a tourist haven with its theme parks. But the city is surely not a haven for techies. The Network World's authour blames the Orlando's real estate mess and the annual hurricane season for this not-so-favourable title.